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  1. Oh, I do appreciate the concern, but I think the situation changes significantly because this isn't my fork — it's the seat stays on the back of the bike. It's a pretty common place for people to do DIY carbon repairs online, and several repair companies even have videos devoted to just that location. I'd never touch a fork DIY.
  2. I see also that I've made several mistakes even in asking my question... Since I'm doing wet laminate and heat tape*, I probably want a dry UD, perhaps like this?
  3. Hello! I've devoured...a lot...of YT and forums on carbon bike repair. My repair is a fracture on a flat section of my non-drive seat stay, and most CF repair kits include a 2x2 3k twill (wet laminate and heat tube method), but nearly every repair person says that it's best to try and layer along similar UD patterns. I've yet to sand down the area, and I don't have calipers to measure tow thickness to match weaves — I'm really not that crazy — but I'd like to at least have one or two UD layers running in the load direction or on slight angles, and then put the 2x2 as my top layer for aesthetics and overall strength. I'm not an engineer, but I have a feeling that I'm vastly underestimating just how strong this stuff is. I'm probably overthinking it. But I'd love a link to a Rock West product that is a solid UD prepreg that is flexible enough for slight bends. Like, is 3k standard modulus a good choice?
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